You can add notes that will appear any time you retrieve the customer from anywhere within Inform ERP These notes help you to communicate important information about the customer to everyone in your company, in particular, information that salespeople need when entering orders. The customer never sees these notes.
Add any notes specific to Accounts Receivable from Customer>Master: Ledger, A/R Notes. You can then hide customer notes on cash receipts. Go to File>Company>Master: Accounting and set Show Customer Internal Notes in Cash Receipts to No.
- Go to File > Customer > Master.
- In the Customer box, find the customer you want to edit by typing the name, number, address, or phone. If the data for your customer does not appear automatically, press the Tab key.
- From the Setup page, click the Notes tab.
- Click Edit.
- Type your notes.
- Click Save.
Every time you retrieve the customer in Inform, the notes appear.