The Accounting Receivable Dashboard allows salespeople to view their current expected receivables as well as future, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days past due. Sales Managers can see these figures for all salespeople.
To review details about specific invoices, or to filter the view by salesperson, customer category, or territory, etc, click the View Detail button, at the bottom of the graph.
To filter the chart by any of the following criteria, drop down the Filter list, and choose your criteria, and then click Search. Select/clear check boxes to update the chart.
- None (Default)
- Customer
- Salesperson
- Territory
- Customer Category
To view a specific invoice, click the Invoice link in the Account Receivable grid.
To view the full customer ledger, click the Customer Code link in the Account Receivable grid.
To generate a printed version of the data on this dashboard, click the Report button.